Main » 2018»October»30 » Shark Rotator Professional Upright Corded Bagless Vacuum Cleaner
Shark Rotator Professional Upright Corded Bagless Vacuum Cleaner
This vacuum worked exceptionally well for about two months - utilized it once every week, so utilized it 8 times add up to. The roller brush quit rolling once around the sixth utilize due to the roller brush getting vigorously enclosed by canine and young ladies long hair (took a year for earlier different vacuums to do this) so we utilized scissors to trim the tangled hair and expel from roller brush. At that point the roller brush worked fine again for 2 more uses then it simply quit rolling mid-utilize. Not very many hairs on it this time, insufficient to need to trim/expel. The Brush Roll Button was appropriately connected with, the Brushroll Indicator light was off. The roller brush pivoted openly when spun with our hands. When we attempted to expel the roller brush lodging plate to take a gander at the belt we found a few Phillips head screws and 5 Allen screws. 4 of the 5 Allen screws were not removable in light of the fact that they had been stripped (adjusted inside by a mechanized Allen torque over turning) by the maker. So we were not able dismantle to look. I called Amazon Customer Service who gave me Shark Customer Service number on which I achieved a lady who revealed to me dismantling would have voided the guarantee so she was happy we couldn't do it. She said I required another base for the vacuum and I expected to buy that since it's because of wear. In only 8 employments. When I clarified how wrong that is, she offered to send it gratis however I would need to pay for delivery which would be $20. I was at that point $180 in and didn't figure we should pay ANYTHING more. She said that is all Shark will do. I called Amazon Customer Service again to report what Shark let me know and Amazon Customer Service quickly discounted the full price tag and sent me a free return shipping mark so they can demonstrate Shark the issue similarly as an instructing case. The discount was really quick and I purchased another brand vacuum. Much obliged to you Amazon Customer Service for shielding this client from lousy makers like Shark.
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